What to Expect in a Technical Interview at FANG Companies

Are you ready to take on the challenge of a technical interview at a FANG company? If you're a software engineer or a computer science student, you've probably heard of the term FANG before. FANG stands for Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google, the four tech giants that are known for their innovative products and services.

Getting a job at a FANG company is a dream come true for many tech enthusiasts. However, the interview process can be daunting, especially if you're not familiar with the format and the types of questions that are asked. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what to expect in a technical interview at FANG companies and how to prepare for it.

The Format of a Technical Interview at FANG Companies

The technical interview at FANG companies usually consists of several rounds, each focusing on a different aspect of your technical skills. The exact format may vary depending on the company and the position you're applying for, but here's a general overview of what to expect:

Phone Screen

The first round of the technical interview is usually a phone screen. This is a brief conversation with a recruiter or a hiring manager to assess your basic technical skills and your fit for the company culture. The questions may include topics such as data structures, algorithms, and programming languages.

Coding Challenge

The next round is a coding challenge, which is usually done online. You'll be given a set of coding problems to solve within a specific time frame. The problems may range from easy to difficult, and you'll be evaluated based on the quality of your code, your problem-solving skills, and your ability to write efficient algorithms.

Technical Interview

The technical interview is the most important round of the interview process. This is where you'll be asked to solve complex coding problems and demonstrate your technical skills. The interview may be conducted in person or over video conferencing, and it may last for several hours.

During the technical interview, you'll be asked to solve coding problems on a whiteboard or a coding platform. The problems may include topics such as data structures, algorithms, system design, and scalability. You'll be evaluated based on your problem-solving skills, your coding style, and your ability to communicate your thought process.

Behavioral Interview

The final round of the interview process is the behavioral interview. This is where you'll be evaluated based on your soft skills, such as your communication skills, teamwork, and leadership. The questions may include topics such as your past experiences, your strengths and weaknesses, and your career goals.

Types of Questions Asked in a Technical Interview at FANG Companies

Now that you know the format of a technical interview at FANG companies, let's take a closer look at the types of questions that are asked. Here are some common topics that you should be prepared for:

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data structures and algorithms are the bread and butter of a technical interview. You'll be asked to solve coding problems that involve data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, and graphs. You'll also be asked to implement algorithms such as sorting, searching, and dynamic programming.

System Design

System design questions are becoming increasingly popular in technical interviews. You'll be asked to design a system that can handle a large amount of data and traffic. You'll need to consider factors such as scalability, reliability, and performance.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming is a fundamental concept in software engineering. You'll be asked to demonstrate your knowledge of object-oriented programming principles such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

Programming Languages

You'll be expected to have a strong command of at least one programming language, such as Java, Python, or C++. You'll be asked to write code in your preferred language and explain your thought process.

Brain Teasers

Brain teasers are tricky questions that are designed to test your problem-solving skills and creativity. You'll be asked questions such as "How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?" or "How would you move Mount Fuji?" These questions are not meant to have a right or wrong answer, but rather to see how you approach a problem.

How to Prepare for a Technical Interview at FANG Companies

Preparing for a technical interview at FANG companies requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

Practice, Practice, Practice

The best way to prepare for a technical interview is to practice solving coding problems. There are many online resources that offer coding challenges and practice problems, such as LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal. You should also practice writing code on a whiteboard or a coding platform, as this is how you'll be evaluated during the interview.

Review the Fundamentals

Make sure you have a strong understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, such as data structures, algorithms, and programming languages. Review your notes from your computer science classes or read a textbook such as "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.

Research the Company

Do your research on the company and the position you're applying for. Read the company's mission statement, learn about their products and services, and familiarize yourself with their technology stack. This will show the interviewer that you're genuinely interested in the company and the position.

Practice Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are just as important as technical skills in a technical interview. Practice explaining your thought process and your code in a clear and concise manner. You should also practice active listening and asking clarifying questions.

Stay Calm and Confident

Finally, stay calm and confident during the interview. Remember that the interviewer is not trying to trick you or make you fail. They're simply trying to assess your technical skills and your fit for the company culture. Take a deep breath, stay focused, and give it your best shot.


A technical interview at a FANG company can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By understanding the format and the types of questions that are asked, and by preparing diligently, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to stay calm, confident, and focused, and most importantly, have fun!

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