How to Solve Algorithmic Problems in a Technical Interview

Are you preparing for a technical interview at a top tech company like Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, or Google (FANG)? Do you want to know how to solve algorithmic problems in a technical interview? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks that can help you ace your next technical interview.

Why Algorithmic Problems Matter in a Technical Interview?

Before we dive into the tips and tricks, let's first understand why algorithmic problems matter in a technical interview. Algorithmic problems are a way for interviewers to test your problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, and coding abilities. These problems are designed to challenge your ability to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable pieces, and then come up with an efficient and elegant solution.

In a technical interview, you may be asked to solve algorithmic problems on a whiteboard, a piece of paper, or a coding environment. You may be asked to solve problems related to data structures, algorithms, dynamic programming, recursion, graph theory, and more. The interviewer may also ask you to optimize your solution, explain your thought process, and handle edge cases.

Solving algorithmic problems in a technical interview is not easy, but it is essential if you want to land a job at a top tech company. So, let's see how you can prepare for it.

How to Prepare for Algorithmic Problems in a Technical Interview?

Preparing for algorithmic problems in a technical interview requires a lot of practice, patience, and persistence. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you prepare for it:

1. Learn the Fundamentals

The first step in preparing for algorithmic problems is to learn the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms. You should have a good understanding of arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, and dynamic programming. You can learn these fundamentals from books, online courses, or coding websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you have learned the fundamentals, the next step is to practice solving algorithmic problems. You should start with easy problems and gradually move to medium and hard problems. You can find algorithmic problems on coding websites like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal. You can also find problems in books like "Cracking the Coding Interview" or "Elements of Programming Interviews."

3. Solve Problems on a Whiteboard or a Piece of Paper

In a technical interview, you may be asked to solve algorithmic problems on a whiteboard or a piece of paper. Therefore, it is essential to practice solving problems on a whiteboard or a piece of paper. This will help you get used to the format and the constraints of a technical interview.

4. Optimize Your Solutions

In a technical interview, you may be asked to optimize your solution. Therefore, it is essential to practice optimizing your solutions. You should try to come up with the most efficient and elegant solution possible. You can do this by analyzing the time and space complexity of your solution and looking for ways to improve it.

5. Explain Your Thought Process

In a technical interview, you may be asked to explain your thought process. Therefore, it is essential to practice explaining your thought process. You should try to explain your approach, your assumptions, your reasoning, and your trade-offs. You should also try to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.

6. Handle Edge Cases

In a technical interview, you may be asked to handle edge cases. Therefore, it is essential to practice handling edge cases. You should try to identify the edge cases, test your solution with them, and handle them gracefully. You should also try to communicate your edge case handling to the interviewer.

How to Solve Algorithmic Problems in a Technical Interview?

Now that you know how to prepare for algorithmic problems in a technical interview, let's see how to solve them. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you solve algorithmic problems in a technical interview:

1. Understand the Problem

The first step in solving algorithmic problems is to understand the problem. You should read the problem statement carefully, identify the input and output, and clarify any ambiguities with the interviewer. You should also try to understand the constraints, the edge cases, and the expected time and space complexity.

2. Break Down the Problem

The next step in solving algorithmic problems is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable pieces. You should try to identify the subproblems, the patterns, and the algorithms that can help you solve the problem. You should also try to draw diagrams, write pseudocode, or use examples to help you understand the problem.

3. Come Up with a Solution

The next step in solving algorithmic problems is to come up with a solution. You should try to use the algorithms and data structures that you have learned to solve the problem. You should also try to optimize your solution by analyzing the time and space complexity. You should also try to handle edge cases and communicate your thought process to the interviewer.

4. Test Your Solution

The next step in solving algorithmic problems is to test your solution. You should try to test your solution with different inputs, edge cases, and corner cases. You should also try to verify your solution by hand or using a debugger. You should also try to communicate your testing process to the interviewer.

5. Refactor Your Solution

The final step in solving algorithmic problems is to refactor your solution. You should try to simplify your code, remove redundant code, and improve the readability and maintainability of your code. You should also try to optimize your code further if possible. You should also try to communicate your refactoring process to the interviewer.


Solving algorithmic problems in a technical interview is not easy, but it is essential if you want to land a job at a top tech company. To prepare for algorithmic problems, you should learn the fundamentals, practice, practice, practice, solve problems on a whiteboard or a piece of paper, optimize your solutions, explain your thought process, and handle edge cases. To solve algorithmic problems, you should understand the problem, break down the problem, come up with a solution, test your solution, and refactor your solution. With these tips and tricks, you can ace your next technical interview and land your dream job at a top tech company.

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